Tab 1.1
Tab 1.2
Tab 1.3
Tab 1.4
Tab 1.5
Tab 1.6
Tab 1.7
Tab 1.8
Tab 1.9
Tab 1.10
Tab 1.11
Tab 1.12
Tab 1.13
Tab 1.14
Tab 1.15
Tab 1.16
Tab 1.17
Tab 1.18
Tab 2.1
Tab 2.2
Tab 2.3
Tab 3.1
Tab 3.2
Tab 3.3

Kamis, 19 April 2012

Locked and Reload for OSN

The students of SMA Insan Cendekia Alkausar who selected to be participants for Olimpiade Sains Nasional  (OSN) have to follow the Science Camp.What is Science Camp?Science Camp is activities from teachers in SMA Insan Cendekia Alkausar for students alkausar to preparation for join the OSN. The Science camp will be held on Friday 30th March - 1st April.on 2nd april will be held try out test for OSN.the OSN will be held on 3rd – 4th April .on 3rd April will be held OSN in Math,Phisycs,Chemistry,and Biology.and Astronomy,Geoscience,Economic,Computer(TIK) will be held on 4th April.
                When the Science camp,the students learned intensive for OSN.they are not studied at scholl like normally.but they studied with their mentors.Zahra (the participant of OSN Geoscience) says ”we have a new lessons in science camp but we so tired because we having to chase a lot of materials”.the students were studying from morning until night,so all of students gets tired
                But the students who join the science camp complained because they missed the lesson in the class,the Science Camp held when the other students were studying at school.”we miss much lessons because science we must have much tutorials because missed lessons”said Lulu(the participant of Astronomy)
                According to the students who follow the science camp, science camp is very useful for them, because when the science camp they discuss about OSN material. and at the OSN,they can work on the materials  because they has been studied as science Camp.”Science camp help us to work the question of OSN”said Hanif(the participant OSN Math)

At the science camp was the supervising teacher must teach the students so they understand what is being taught. "Good teacher teacher ngajarnya because we can quickly understand what the teacher described teachers" Resha said (one of the participants OSN Economy)

And the results of the OSN has been done is:
A. Economics: DEA ADHISTA (Champion 1)
2. Computers: Muammar GHIBRAN NOVEREZKY (Champion 4)
3. Chemistry: DAWAMI ARIJAN KASOEM (Champion 3)
4. Astronomy: MUSTAFA KAMAL (Champion 1), LULU NUR Afifah (Champion 4)
5. Biology: GHINA SHABRINA AWANIS (Champion 3)
Hopefully the students who qualify to proceed to the next level.

By: Abdul Rafi

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