Tab 1.1
Tab 1.2
Tab 1.3
Tab 1.4
Tab 1.5
Tab 1.6
Tab 1.7
Tab 1.8
Tab 1.9
Tab 1.10
Tab 1.11
Tab 1.12
Tab 1.13
Tab 1.14
Tab 1.15
Tab 1.16
Tab 1.17
Tab 1.18
Tab 2.1
Tab 2.2
Tab 2.3
Tab 3.1
Tab 3.2
Tab 3.3

Rabu, 25 April 2012

Copa Raffle Result Benefits Camerald

By: Muhammad

Saturday, precisely on March 27, 2012, high school student council sports division student of duty (OSIS) SMA Insan Al-Kausar conduct meetings open to determination of the Copa match as in  years ago and the meeting was attended by representatives from each high school futsal team Insan Cendikia Al-Kausar . Meeting led by Fathur assigned as a responsible public futsal Copa Insan Cendikia Al-Kausar determined that kremi team against UK team, and the Lunite  team against Peshol team. Camerald opponent are waiting for the winner from Kremi team and UK team. And Perkasa team are also awaiting the winner of Peshol team and Lunite team. Results were considered beneficial Camerald team by some parties, such as those delivered by Syauqi, Peshol players, " The result are very favorable for Camerald team. They are just waiting for the results of matches between the UK team that occupy the fifth standings (UK) and the 6 (Kremi) of Insan Cendikia Alkausar futsal league. While the Camerald team personally take the third standing of futsal league Insan Cendikia Al- Kausar Senior high school. It was very beneficial Camerald team ", he said. "The ball is round, we may not be able to beat the teams we will face. But we, as a Camerald team, will make every effort to beat the other team and won the Insan Cendikia Al- Kausar Senior high school Futsal copa ", said the play maker Camerald, I.P . Response to that case, the responsible public of futsal Copa Insan Cendikia Al-Kausar, Fathur said, "shaking(pengocokan) conducted orderly and fair and also attended by representatives from each team. We are here not profitable Camerald, but the results of shaking out that way.”

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