Tab 1.1
Tab 1.2
Tab 1.3
Tab 1.4
Tab 1.5
Tab 1.6
Tab 1.7
Tab 1.8
Tab 1.9
Tab 1.10
Tab 1.11
Tab 1.12
Tab 1.13
Tab 1.14
Tab 1.15
Tab 1.16
Tab 1.17
Tab 1.18
Tab 2.1
Tab 2.2
Tab 2.3
Tab 3.1
Tab 3.2
Tab 3.3

Kamis, 26 April 2012

Other Side From The School

in this school there is a ex-school “basketball” and then in this ex-school we have an organizational structure, the coach name istristanto” and then we have a leader his name is: “brother adit and brother andre”, and last week, bsketball ex-school in our school get a competition in school of “pelita harapan” but we are not to lucky so we lost in semi-final. And then we have a plan in next month we have a other competition in jakarta, so in this week basketball team get a heavy exercise for prepare to the next competition.

Debriefing to member of basketball ex-school

Q: how is the progres of basketball in this school?
A: it’s not too good, because in this school the facility it’s not enough
Q: whether enough school with a basketball at this school?
A: yes, but when there is a competition often school not support us
Q: whether there should be improved about basketball at this school?
A: no in this school the basketball it’s not to succes

And then in this school there is other ex-school “badminton”, and the coach of the badminton ex-school is mister ahsa, and in grade 10 there are an student who join the badminton ex-school such as: naufal handatiadi, rhisti, muhammad and the others, not like basketball, badminton ex-shool its not yet join any competition, but the student from badminton ex-school always spirit when the badminton ex-shool start

Debriefing to member of badminton ex-school.

Journey to Five Tower

Last Month, all of students from ten grades IC AL-KAUSAR went to XXI Cinema at Botani Square Bogor, West Java. And Watcing “Negeri 5 Menara”. This activity is held by Gurashiwa lesson. Gurashiwa held this activity to can take the moral from that film to the students.

We start from school with 3 busses, 2 big busses and 1 mini bus. We start at ba’da zhuhur, and come at 4 pm.
At there, the students are gathered into some group. They gathered according to their GURASHIWA, but when the students are hanging out they do not care to their group. there is 1 hour left before the film started, their free hour is used to take a walk, and playing around in BOTANI SQUARE and there was also who buy some books.
And when the film started, everyone came into the cinema together. All of the students were enthusiastic, and the film was so fantastic and it also triggered the emotion and respond from the students, many students was laughing, strained, and at the end all of the students was clap their hand, they was very enthusiastic
And after the film was finished they were talk about the movie. And all of the responds is a good respond.
Many students were eating first before they came home. But… there were students are missing!! The GURASHIWA sent 2 students to find them. Alhamdulillah they found them, and in no time they went back to ALKA.

Alkausar Has Beaten

In Alkausar senior high school there is a futsal extrakulikuler. This extrakulikuler has been held since first generation of Al kausar senior high school. The coach now is Mr. Dani or we can call “ Ka Dani “ . every month we have sparing with another school. The last we have sparing with Albayan senior high school.
The result is we lost in 2 game. The first game is first grade of alkausar senior high school with the first and second albayan senior high school. We lose 1 – 4 , the from Alkausar first grade has made by Handatiadi  or we always call him “Kribo” . the first line up we used is in the front there are Mamduh and Agni and for the middle there is Kevin and for the back there was Syafiq and the goalkeeper there wa Edo. The first from albayan is made from Rais(27) that shoot from left and touch the right foot of syafiq. Score 1-0 is keep until the half time. After the half time alkausar change the line up with the front there are Taufik and Tyo, then the middle is Aulio, for the back there is Kribo and with the goalkeeper is Arya .after a few minute alkausar get corner kick from left side, Tyo take the ball and pass to middle and kribo run and shoot the ball and get goal, the score now 1-1. in the second time alkausar should take the ball from they own goal and make score become 2-1 . then there is an accident, the player from albayan was kick the ball and his foot hit the nose of arya. That make arya change with Razak. After that albayan get 2 score again and make the score become 1-4 until the time up, and alkausar lose the match.   
The second match is second and third grade of alkausar with third grade of albayan. The first line up is in the front there was Adli, and the middle is Ismu, and for the back there are Razy and Almas. they lose 2-0 in  second half time until the time up.
So in Alkausar the futsal group still need more practice and experience to win any match


This is one of the most important programs in SMA Insan Cendekia Al-Kausar, its PINTER (Program intensif terpadu). PINTER is a program that preparing the 12th grade for facing UN and SMNPTN, there is many people involved in this program such as the teacher who teach UN subject and the 12th grade of course, this program is very effective for the students because it held since the first time in first semester, in first semester PINTER be held once time a week and in the second semester it held everyday. The students are learning how to answer a question same as the type of UN and SMNPTN question, and how about the teaching type in PINTER and in daily school? “Teaching type in PINTER is very different with the daily school because in PINTER the teachers socialize the typical and the material of UN and SMNPTN only, not like the daily school and In PINTER the teacher and the student only discussing about the question.” Ms. Ummah said.

Rabu, 25 April 2012

Copa Raffle Result Benefits Camerald

By: Muhammad

Saturday, precisely on March 27, 2012, high school student council sports division student of duty (OSIS) SMA Insan Al-Kausar conduct meetings open to determination of the Copa match as in  years ago and the meeting was attended by representatives from each high school futsal team Insan Cendikia Al-Kausar . Meeting led by Fathur assigned as a responsible public futsal Copa Insan Cendikia Al-Kausar determined that kremi team against UK team, and the Lunite  team against Peshol team. Camerald opponent are waiting for the winner from Kremi team and UK team. And Perkasa team are also awaiting the winner of Peshol team and Lunite team. Results were considered beneficial Camerald team by some parties, such as those delivered by Syauqi, Peshol players, " The result are very favorable for Camerald team. They are just waiting for the results of matches between the UK team that occupy the fifth standings (UK) and the 6 (Kremi) of Insan Cendikia Alkausar futsal league. While the Camerald team personally take the third standing of futsal league Insan Cendikia Al- Kausar Senior high school. It was very beneficial Camerald team ", he said. "The ball is round, we may not be able to beat the teams we will face. But we, as a Camerald team, will make every effort to beat the other team and won the Insan Cendikia Al- Kausar Senior high school Futsal copa ", said the play maker Camerald, I.P . Response to that case, the responsible public of futsal Copa Insan Cendikia Al-Kausar, Fathur said, "shaking(pengocokan) conducted orderly and fair and also attended by representatives from each team. We are here not profitable Camerald, but the results of shaking out that way.”